Tuesday, October 25


  • Tesla Case Discussion


  • To continue developing your ability to argue for and against managerial decisions in a persuasive manner through deliberate practice
  • To discuss the merits of product-oriented marketing strategies

Discussion Questions

  1. Spend four hours or less writing a case report on the decision outlined in the 2019 final exam. (Be sure to keep the case report that you generate for your own records. Doing so will allow you to look back at your ability level at this point in the semester. Do not submit your report.)
  2. What components of your case report came easiest/hardest to you? Was it collecting data that might be relevant to making a decision; identifying and stating one or two high-level concerns, problems, or issues; identifying and evaluating alternatives; or designing an action plan?

Assignments Due

  • Starbucks Case Reflection
  • Answers to today’s discussion questions
    • After signing into Blackboard, submit your answers to this folder
  • Discuss your analysis of the Tesla case before today’s class with your group members

Assignments Made

  • Answers to the discussion questions for our next session of marketing
  • Discuss your analysis of the Starbucks case with your group members before our next session of marketing