Thursday, November 3


  • The Sales Process


  • To examine the infamous saying “Always Be Closing” and discuss how it can be modified to accommodate the consumer decision making process

Discussion Questions

  1. What benefits can organizations that train their salespeople to qualify prospects expect to reap? Be sure to provide sound reasoning.
  2. Suppose you want to become unconsciously competent at the four steps outlined in (Jolles 2019) so as to become more adept at handling objections that arise. How would you go about doing so? Set some goals that adhere to SMART principles.

Assignments Due

  • Answers to today’s discussion questions
    • After signing into Blackboard, submit your answers to this folder

Assignments Made

  • Answers to the discussion questions for marketing on Tuesday, November 15


Jolles, Rob (2019), I Object! Four Steps to Handling Objections,” American Management Association.
Ye, Leslie (2020), The Ultimate Guide to Sales Qualification,” HubSpot.