Tuesday, October 11


  • Midterm Launch


  • To establish a clear set of goals, requirements, and performance standards (i.e., grading criteria, grading system) for the midterm project

Discussion Questions

  1. What does your schedule look like in the week before the midterm is due? Identify the other commitments that are going to require your time.
  2. What blocks of time can you dedicate to finalizing your midterm in the week leading up to the deadline?
  3. When could you start working on the midterm report, and what intermediate goals can you set to ensure procrastination doesn’t get the better of you?

Assignments Due

  • Answers to today’s discussion questions
    • After signing into Blackboard, submit your answers to this folder

Assignments Made

  • Discuss your analysis of the J.C. Penney case before our next session of marketing. As you prepare for and engage in your group discussion, you might find it helpful to consider the following guidelines that Haywood-Farmer (2008) suggests adhering to:
    • Develop a thorough understanding of the case prior to your group meeting
    • Participate actively in the discussion and take your own notes (consensus is neither necessary, nor expected)
    • Set a time limit, say 30 minutes, for your discussion and stick to it


Haywood-Farmer, John (2008), An Introductory Note on the Case Method, London, ON: Ivey Publishing.